ELI5: How does X affect my damage?
tags: dmg, eli5damage, eli5dmg
In general, damage is the product of several factors
In general, when we equip something we add a number to one of the factors
For example, damage done to an enemy who is in Challenge mode (Newton B's effect) is calculated with 0.31 added to the Total Dmg Taken
Main factors to be concerned about: Damage = some mysterious starting number
- ×
Ele Dmg Dealt
IF Ele - ×
Ele Dmg Taken
IF Ele - ×
Phys Dmg Dealt
IF Phys - ×
Phys Dmg Taken
IF Phys - ×
Crit Dmg
IF Phys AND Crit - ×
Total Dmg Dealt
- ×
Total Dmg Taken
- ×
Weather Effect
- ×
Type Effect
- ×
Ele Resist Effect
IF Ele - ×
Phys Resist Effect
IF Phys
Other than these, there are also some unique factors, often described in game as "independent effect"
Each factor is 1 when valk, gear, stage effects are not included, except Crit Dmg
, which starts at 2
Weather Effect
is often 1.5 for advantageous type. However, some Abyss Weathers increase a different factor like Total Dmg Dealt
instead of Weather Effect
Type Effect
is 1.3 for type advantage and either 0.7 or 1/1.3 for type disadvantage
some mysterious starting number is usually
a statement like this,
"deals 2400% of Atk as Fire Dmg"
which means that you take the valk's Atk × 24 as the starting number.
Ele Resist Effect
is just a number less than or equal to 1 based on the enemy's Ele Resist,
e.g. Ele Resist Effect
= 0.28 for Jizo, who has 72% Ele Resist.
Phys Resist Effect
= 1 / (1 + (Def / (300 + 20 * Lv)))
, where Def is the enemy's Def and Lv is your valk's Lv.