In-game gacha rates
tags: rates
These are the rates presented in the in-game announcements.
The in-game rates are inclusive of pity. This is to say that the rate on non-pity pulls are much lower, e.g. we think Expansion Supply S card is 0.6% on a non-pity pull.
Based on research, we think there is soft pity that increases the drop rate above 80 pulls, and this is not counted in the in-game rates.
Focused Supply individual rates
- Each UP weapon: 2.48%
- Each UP stigma: 1.24%
- Each 4* weapon (non-UP): 0.41%
- Each 4* stigma (non-UP): 0.31%
Focused Supply composition
- 4* weapons: 4.96%
- 4* stigmata: 7.44%
- 3* weapons: 11.23%
- 3* stigmata: 33.69%
- Trash: 42.68%
Expansion Supply Equipment individual rates
- Each UP weapon: 1.83%
- Each UP stigma: 0.92%
- Each 4* weapon (non-UP): 0.46%
- Each 4* stigma (non-UP): 0.42%
Expansion Supply Equipment composition
- 4* weapons: 4.58%
- 4* stigmata: 7.82%
- 3* weapons: 11.23%
- 3* stigmata: 33.69%
- Trash: 42.68%
Expansion Supply Battlesuit w/ 1 UP A individual rates
- Each UP S card: 1.5%
- Each UP A card: 4.5%
- Each A card (non-UP): 3%
Expansion Supply Battlesuit w/ 1 UP A composition
- Cards: 15%
- Fragments: 26.5%
- Trash: 58.5%
Expansion Supply Battlesuit w/ 2 UP A individual rates
- Each UP S card: 1.5%
- Each UP A card: 4.5%
- Each A card (non-UP): 2.25%
Expansion Supply Battlesuit w/ 2 UP A composition
- Cards: 15%
- Fragments: 22%
- Trash: 63%