tags: battlesuit
"Why You Should Be Specific About Which Battlesuits You're Talking About When Asking Questions; The distinctions between Characters and Battlesuits"
In Honkai, several of the playable Valkyries have alternate forms, these are called "battlesuits". For example, Knight Moonbeam is a battlesuit of Kiana's, and so is Divine Prayer.
While initially there may be much confusion on how the battlesuit system works, it's really just simple and easier to look at battlesuits as completely seperate entities in gameplay. (Even if they share the same Character!)
Many battlesuits that share the same Character (e.g. Umbral Rose and Argent Knight: Artemis; Rita) still have very different applications in Gameplay, and assuming that just because 2 Battlesuits are of the same character, that they are comparable in Role and Gameplay Usage, is usually not a good idea, as Battlesuits can be incredibly varied in usage.