Faq Index
- expedition
- frags
- genshin
- abbreviations, abbr
- rankup
- awaken
- augment
- pri costs
- valkbridge
- pri what
- expeditions
- context
- battlesuit
- affix
- divine key raid, grips of tai xuan raid, tai xuan how, divine key coop raid
- dorm interactions
- salvage stigma
- main
- team
- aug what
- elysian realm guide, er guide, er signets
- stigmata what
- powercreep, power creep, old valks, outdated
- valk exp
- how pity works, pity
- dorm supply number
- bingo
- dorm supply
- rates
- firepower
- valk gearing, pulling gear, pulling gacha gear
- constellation
- future events, future banners, future supplies
- dorm luck tier list
- expa foca supply select
- topup event
- wishing well
- duplicates, dupes
- elf unlock, elf ranks
- pity counter, guarantee counter
- spending irl money
- top-up
- roll htr
Account progression
- egg
- reroll
- goals
- stamina regen
- level up break through break the ceiling experience rush
- pri leveling
- what2pull, what to pull, pull advice
- find sensei, find armada, find cadet
- stamina priority, stamina spending
- power, usefulness, return on investment, roi, payoff
- pri priority, pri-arm priority
- early game, late game
- war treasury
- shop
- asterites priority, aster
- resonance, exchange shop
- resource uses (dupe of 103)
- gold pins
- resources (dupe of 75)
- witch orbs, pure witch orbs, pure elf orbs, witch's corridor
Valk guides
- qte
- newton b, newt b
- tf
- evasion
- attack types
- combo attack, charged attack, branch attack
- reaction
- input buffer
- dkey what
- distance, 5 meters
- type counter
- tune
- ht bombard, ht breath
- damage, damage types
- crt
- dmg, eli5damage, eli5dmg
- impair
- breach, elemental breach, physical breach, ele breach, phys breach
- dorm buffs, dorm
- dkey passive
- subtitles
- pc, pc ver, pc login
- pc specs, spec, specs
- huawei
- wrong server
- gamepath
- pcclearcache
- whatserver
- linkmihoyo
- gamelog
- iguid
- hoyolab profile, hoyolab record
- account
- accrecovery
- accid
- pc advantages, keyboard advantages, controller
- highreq
- audio57
- 3rd party login, hoyolab login
- hoyolab google
- uid58
- unbind, unlink
- pcspec
- mandown
- pcspecs
- dst
- get cn
- mtkek
- difficulty
- check ranking
- pinned polite
- beta
- valks tier list
- spoonfeed
- chatmt
- zith
- copium rehab
- slowmode
- doomposting
- bounty
- katana choice
- time capsule
- growth fund
- fallen crystallum
- salvage mats
- mirage farming, farming priority, farming order, universal mirage
- fr tierlist, fr valks
- fr pont
- fr new
- fr dmg
- fr rank (gone?)
- fr bounty (gone?)
- fr subs (gone?)
- fr pri (gone?)
- fr oeuf (gone?)
- fr xp (gone?)
- fr xtal (gone?)